Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rainy Day

What do we do on a Rainy Day?  
Watch a movie, play video games or how about reading a good book... that's what I would do and that is exactly what I am going to do just before bedtime.

People always look at a Rainy Day as if it's their last day on Earth...I say, "Be Glad you are still here to see a Rainy Day".  Life is too short whether we know it or Not! Everyday is a Bless just wake up and be able to breathe again and do what you did not do yesterday, you have a chance to do it today.

So when someone say, "what a dreary day" say, "No, What a Bless Day" I am not depressed and the weather does not define what mood I will be in!

What is your Rainy Day Like?  "Happy or Sad"

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