Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Holidays!

I am having a wonderful Holiday Season so far!  I spent 3 days with my mom who has dementia, which I am her caretaker. She shared some many stories with me about how she grew up in Alabama and the things they went through during her time. She lives back in the past sometime. My son and nieces came over to the house and fixed an Awesome breakfast for their grandmother. She might not remember at the present moment but as time goes on that will be another story added on to the many stories she still has inside of her. Giving a gift isn’t about what video games I bought someone, how expensive my clothes or shoes were I received or who gave the best gift, actually it's all about the LOVE we have for one another. When we start thinking material then it becomes based on the secular world and not Christ. Whether someone buys us something or not we already have the Perfect Gift “Christ was Born”. WE take so many things for granted not knowing that we are already Blessed with the Perfect Gift!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I went to Jamaica in October "2012" and had the time of my life.


 Riu, Ohco Rios is a beautiful place to visit. 


 We toured"Dunns River Fall" and had a BLAST!. 

Dunns River Fall is the most beautiful site you could every want to see. The water was cold when you first got in but after that it felt like bath water "warm". 

 We had to climb the waterfall which was not easy at first but working as team made it a lot of fun, much easier as well as meeting new people. 

 Then we did the "Bob Marley Nine Miles" tour. Which was really "4 to 5 hours" from the hotel, which was perfect!

The towns we went through were beautiful, interesting, knowledgeable and educational as we continue to climb hills and mountains. 

 If you every get a chance to go to Jamaica,  I recommend you visit Dunns River Fall and Bob Marley Nine Miles, you will not regret it.

Ultimate Woman

Thursday, October 4, 2012


It is sad to say in the World today "Physical Communication" is loosing it's place in families, relationships and friends. We live in a world where Technology has replaced our physical communication. Children don't call their parents anymore, couples don't physically talk and friends have no communication. We are consumed by, texting, emailing and blogging.  No wonder so many people vent in their blogs, no physical communication. Until we discipline ourselves to go back to the way communication was intended, we are going  to be nothing but empty souls walking around lost. We need to amend our families, relationships and friendships back to loving one another, humility for one, compassion, understanding and I can go on..but I think you get what I am saying.  Technology is good, but let's not let it overtake our Physical Communication.

Ultimate Woman

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Something I had wrote on my PiNK "Pi Nappa Kappa" Blog and just wanted to share on this blog.

Keep your hands to the plow and your feet tightly firm to the ground and you will advance into perfection. Remember, there will be thorns in your path but know that they are only distractions.

Advance, and never halt, for advancing is perfection. Advance and not fear the thorns in the path, for they draw only corruption.  ~Kahlil Gibran~

Ultimate Woman

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Life is Too Short

People we need to put away the nonsense and get ourselves in order. We do not know when it is our time to transform from here, so let us work on our “baggage”, the baggage we carry that is weighing us down. Too much baggage can hinder a friendship and a relationship. 

Why? because we carry it with us.

 Let us "Transform" now! Our minds are free, we are ready and most important, we are Free! Free from the nonsense that we have allowed to filtrate in our minds.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012



I’m not an expert in Relationships just speaking from experience and others.

Be mindful of your chosen Man.  Pick the man you are looking for, create a checklist.

A man who likes power and control enjoys the company of an insecure, low self esteem needed woman. These particular men will not have a relationship with a strong woman. She becomes a threat to him.  He creates arguments that have no meaning to them but to him. He will try to break you in spirit and will keep at it until you break, most strong women will not crack. Then the manipulation starts, “it was always there” jealousy, envy, flare up tempers out of nowhere, Commitment, "Out of the Question", only you are committed.  

Remember, this was always his character; you just did not see it until he was ready for you to.  Men who like control and power have good manipulation games.  Then you have the smooth talkers. They like to sweep you off your feet. Remember, baby and honey are generic words that most all men say when they see something they want. If he doesn't have a ground line "cell phones and beepers excuses", own apartment or house, can't do spontaneous things and definitely no commitment. When I say, "commitment" not necessarily marriage, but there are others ways to commit to a relationship. "example...all bills in your name". Now do you get where I am coming from when I say, 

"No Commitment" easy to walk away.

"Chosen Man" Depends on YOU!

Ladies Remember, you can find All these characteristics in One Man.


Create a Checklist. Of course he will not get all the checks, but at least 70%. Standards too High?

Do you have a CHECKLIST?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Trials & Tribulations!

Trials and Tribulations...should they make us stronger or weaker?

I know for me...I can say, "they make me stronger and sometimes I feel tougher".  But then that moment comes when I  feel I need to be fragile and give the strength to someone else.  I am Thankful that I have someone in my life that I can lean on. The biggest mistake we can make when Trials come,  "is shut down" or "be to ourselves". Trial and Tribulations are tests in our life to try our Faith. The enemy tells us we can do this, we do not need anybody or I just need to be by myself.

All we have to do is hold to Faith and persevere until the end~Do not miss your Blessing because you gave up!

"Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest". Matthew 11:29 (KJV)

Remember your Faith is Always Tested?

Sunday, May 13, 2012


This blog is for My Mother!

My Mom is an Ultimate Woman. Wonderful, dynamic, very strong, loving, kind and very much considerate of others. Now it is time for her to receive as see battles Dementia. I am very honored to be her caretaker.  I will not that it is easy, because it not easy nor good to see your mother go through this.  All I want to do is give back what see gave to me!  I have to Thank God, because if it wasn't for Him...I could not have made it this far.  At times you become overwhelmed, tired, frustrated and even wanting to give up, but I know God said, "He would not put no more on us then we can bare"..."We can do all things through Christ who strengthens Us". "Take upon my Yoke, for my Yoke is easy and my Burdens are Light"...

Mom I Love You!


Ultimate Woman

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Trendy Fashion Sandals Coming Soon!

Ladies, ladies, is time to go where our heart is.Where's that?...It's our Feet...!What Lady do not like a beautiful, bright, elegant shoe or sandal on their feet?"I know I do" and if I do you do too!Well, Try's Trendy Fashion is bringing it right into your home with a click of a button. So don't go anywhere...Stay tune, coming Soon!
Ultimate Woman

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What Took So Long?

Yoga pants banned at local high school

I do not think spandex and tight straight leg pants should be worn to elementary and high school.  A 15yrs old young man from the school was interviewed by the news.
Question: what do you think about the spandex and tight pants worn to school?
“I think they reveal everything, everything”. Now women who wear spandex outside of with nothing covering their “butt” and everything being revealed, what do you say to the 15yr old that sees everything?  I agree they should be banned from school and further more, “what took so long”???

We women need to start setting better examples for our your women and not let the fashion industry do our job in dressing our young girls and young women.

The average woman now looks like a streetwalker. How can you tell the difference in today’s society? 
Well, you can’t!

Ultimate Woman take your Place!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Women Fashion Revolve or Evolve?

I believe women fashion has evolved and revolved. There was a time women were covered from head to toe…dresses were above the cleavage and length was below the ankles or sometimes pass the ankles. Women’s fashion is like a deregulated industry, free to do whatever.
Women Fashion has become an obsession for some and a “got to have it” even if I cannot afford it for others…Fashion can be a beautiful thing, if it means something positive to you…just so you understand “I like Fashion too”…. I do not allow the fashion world to clothe me according to what they feel is In our Out. I have worn clothes that were out and have received several compliments. Why? “Because I thought it was out “…that’s because women fashion has evolved and revolved…
Do you know what Revolved and Evolved?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Will Women Unite?

Until we as women stop the jealousy, envy, backbiting and most of all the Gossip. NO, we will not unite as one. It is okay to compliment a friend, or even a stranger if you like what she is wearing, her hairstyles, her shoes or even her coat. When you nourish jealousy inside you for a period of time, it develops into a terrible disease or sickness whichever you prefer. Yes, there maybe some things you would like to change about yourself, but don’t hate on the other woman…When you start to Love yourself inside everything else will flourish, even transformation will take place. 
We are All Ultimate Women!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Christian Men and Secular (Worldly) Men?

What is the Difference between a Christian Man and a Secular (worldly) Man? The only difference I see; a Christian Man does not “drink”, smoke, go to girly bars, party, might not watch a lot of sports if any. But some lie just like a Secular Man maybe even more, have just as many women and some do strike you. A Christian Man will approach a woman just like a Secular Man….”Like He is Single”…and have three or four women, of course you would not know this until two or three years later. Why two or three years later, they appear single those years and that is enough time to fall deeply in love with someone. Then once they have received your heart then the truth comes out.

No one gets the right to pick what type of relationship you should be involved in.
Say you accept the relationship, then you have a lot of jealous women competing for this one man and he makes matters worse because he puts you up against each other…which he is not aware he’s doing or is he aware?

Then He starts doing the Comparison mode. He starts comparing you to this one and that one and so on…. The worst of all, he becomes a respecter of person and we all should know those who’s Christians…God is Not a Respecter of Person and God Created each One of Us totally Different and Christian Man should know this as well.

I am not putting down Christian Men neither Secular Men.
This type of behavior does affect other Christian Men…Maybe that is why so many women in the Church are attracted to Worldly Men.

Women just be mindful whether they are a Christian Man or Secular Man.

This is my opinion…Ultimate Woman

Share your Opinion?

Saturday, January 14, 2012


What is it about Power?

Why when someone is offered a little power with authority… in a blink of an eye…all morals, integrity, dignity, respect, etc… totally disappears? You become selective of those you like and those you do not like…and the ones you use to like are now dislike along with the ones you never liked for whatever unnecessary reason you make up.

Do we not know who we are unless someone gives us a title to add with the name we were given at birth…does that name mean nothing? Well, I am somebody and a title does not give me an identity. We live in a world where people do not even know who they are…how could some many people be lost…? A title does not make you…you are already somebody!

Maybe one day in this lifetime I will see someone with secular Power do the Right Thing!

Wickedness will not go unpunished….A world full of uncontrolled power will fall!

Ultimate Woman

Trys Trendy Fashions

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Box of Chocolates!

Life is a "Box of Chocolates" You never know what is inside until you take a bite...then you find out that you do not like it, so you spit it out and try another and you taste until you find the one you like. Well, at some point we have to start using discretion. Why put yourself through a test if you do not have to. "Don't Do It"...If you know what you like stay with that...sometimes trying something new isn't always the way to go...Life is full of tests, don't rush It. That can be the worst taste you ever had.
"Eat the Chocolate you Like"!

Ladies this is for YOU!

Ultimate Woman