Thursday, December 27, 2012

Happy Holidays!

I am having a wonderful Holiday Season so far!  I spent 3 days with my mom who has dementia, which I am her caretaker. She shared some many stories with me about how she grew up in Alabama and the things they went through during her time. She lives back in the past sometime. My son and nieces came over to the house and fixed an Awesome breakfast for their grandmother. She might not remember at the present moment but as time goes on that will be another story added on to the many stories she still has inside of her. Giving a gift isn’t about what video games I bought someone, how expensive my clothes or shoes were I received or who gave the best gift, actually it's all about the LOVE we have for one another. When we start thinking material then it becomes based on the secular world and not Christ. Whether someone buys us something or not we already have the Perfect Gift “Christ was Born”. WE take so many things for granted not knowing that we are already Blessed with the Perfect Gift!